
Showing posts from October, 2020


Source :  A  place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained. Examples of sources: Books  Websites Magazines Newspapers  Manuals Sources are used for information for example if somebody needed to know how to bake a cake you could use any of theses sources to find out such as a recipe book or a baking website.


 demographic profile: breaking things down into specific categories where you are from how old you are  gender  social status what you like income  lifestyle  personal identity: when you compare yourself to somebody else (a character)  Social interaction: social activity  Entertainment: need for escape release from everyday pressure and entertainment social interaction: need for personal relationships companionship's  discussion identification with characters  personal identity: need for forming and exploring identity and comparing with others  demographic profile: need for news and information  Rubicams for c's: main streamers, aspirers, reformers, succeeders  physcographic: what someone likes The benefits of  understanding your audience: If a brand has a solid  understanding  of  its audience  it can clearly define who  its  best customers are who  its  least valuable customers are and where opportunities may lie.

Moodboard in Photoshop

Advantages: photoshop has a lot more features compared to other softwares enabling you to add more detail and allowing you to organise and make whatever it is look better  Disadvantages: However photoshop also has its disadvantages for example to use photoshop you have to pay on top of that it requires a lot more skill compared to other softwares because of the many features it has  

Mood Boards

  What is a mood board? an arrangement of images, materials, pieces of text, etc. intended to evoke or project a particular style or concept.] What are mood boards used for:  A  mood board  can be  used  to convey a general idea or feeling about a particular topic. example: How can this be used to make a demographic profile  a mood board can be used to make a demographic profile by what you put in it for example if you put toys in it you would be able to guess what age the person is or if you put a game in it you would know what the person likes to do which can help make a demographic profile with the info you gather from the  moodpboard

Moodboard in Word

  To create my mood board i used word  Advantages of word: Word is very easy to use due to the fact you can copy an image and paste it straight into a document not only that i have been using word all the way through school so its very familiar Disadvantages of word: Using word was okay however there are probably better software's for the job especially because word doesn't have any design options